About admin

(I’m updating this section here in January, 2025 while I’m rebuilding this web site from scratch.) I’ll be reposting the content from my lost site as I go along here and dating it the original date of each post (gotta love the Way Back machine that lets see me the original content!) I’m Helen, living in north central, Ohio with my son Evan, and our little dog, a chiweenie named Pepper. I have one child, a son who is the joy of my life. My only child, he is the sweetest, cutest, most handsome and loving boy on the planet. Oh - and he just happens to have autism and as a result is non-verbal. But he gets his point across in many other ways 🙂 We lost his daddy in 2019 to complications from cancer after being married just shy of 18 years. The most important thing you need to know about me is that I am an evangelical, blood bought, born again Christian. If you follow me long enough you will see that weaved throughout this entire blog. You will hear about Jesus or I'm not fulfilling my calling. I don't apologize for that and I won't 🙂 This blog is about my faith, my interest in crafts, cooking and gardening; planning, journaling, Bible prophecy (think end times, Rapture, etc.), journaling and Bible art journaling and so much more, I'm sure. New in mid 2024 and now 2025 is an emphasis on weight loss and fitness. I’ve recently become a TikTok shop affiliate in hope of supplementing my son’s and my income. That may enter in too. Join me for my renewed adventure here, won't you?



I HAVE TO REBUILD MY WEB SET 🙁 ARGH!! I can’t afford to pay someone to build and upkeep it myself, so I’ve done it all myself and am self taught. I did keep a lot of notes along the way and all the graphics, of which I design 99% of myself. #website #rebuild #webdesign #fyp #sincerelysapphire

♬ original sound – Helen Sapphire

The immediate challenge is remembering/finding my notes about how set up the design of it to begin with. I can re-add the posts again which, although will be very time consuming, is relatively easy. It’s getting the bare bones back in place that’s a challenge right now, because I am self-taught, and because I redesigned a lot of the theme I used. Please pray I get it figured out before pulling all my hair out! 🙂


Me, Helen (aka Sapphire)

About Sapphire

Why Sapphire?

My real name is Helen and I’ve been online since 1995.  Back when everyone thought I was crazy when they heard I was talking to people on a computer 🙂 Literally – crazy! 😉

My first experience online was on a BBS (Bulletin Board System). Think internet only on a local level. A local phone call (yes, the land line when you used your phone line) connecting you with local people.

My very first name, on the very first BBS I was, on was Diamond.  As a girl who has always been on the plus size side, I chose that name based on the phrase I heard ALL. THE. TIME. growing up:  “Such a pretty face, if only you’d lose the weight.”  So I was a diamond in the rough. The potential to be a beauty ,”if only” I would be cut and polished.

That went ok for a while till I experienced my first online stalker.  It was NOT a fun experience.  I had to leave that BBS and change my name on the other ones.

Staying with the gemstone theme, and blue being my favorite color I chose Sapphire and it stuck.  

During my BBS days (before the internet itself really took off) all my online friends (many of whom I was friends with in person as well) knew me as Sapph.

Then AOL happened and I needed a name.  “Sapphire” was taken by a computer systems company and I refused to be Sapphire with a bunch of numbers at the end (I’m way too creative for that), so I managed to get Safhire.  That’s been me for years. All over the internet, Safhire (no numbers at the end) was usually me.

In 2013 I started a blog called Calvary Couponers (CalvaryCouponers.com).  I was a steady blogger there till Covid 19 reached us, here in the States in 2020.  Since then, and as I write this in January, 2025,  food coupons are really hard to find.  So that really slowed down my posting there.

When Sincerely, Sapphire went down (I’ll add a post on that in a bit), I would need to get Calvary Couponers back up from scratch as I am currently with Sincerely, Sapphire.  That may come, but Sincerely, Sapphire is my first blog priority. I may get that going in tandem with this one eventually. However, I discovered a problem with that blog.  The name.  Not the Calvary part (Jesus is my life!) but the Couponers’ part. It limited what people expected from me on my blog.  I’d post about other things and hear back from potential readers, “I thought that was just a coupon blog.”  I write about a lot more than coupons there, but hey…I get it. The name.

At the start of 2017, I decided to start a brand spankin’ new blog with a name that was wide open to interpretation and people would want to come and see the blog before making the assumption about what it was all about.  In deciding what to name said blog, I went back to my beginnings with Sapphire (the spelling people expect) and Sincerely came naturally as a big chunk of what I blog about is that which relates to my Christian faith -the part of my life I’m the most ‘sincere’ about.

About Me

Like I said above, my real name is Helen.  I live in North Central, Ohio in the Mansfield area again (after living away for 14 1/2 years), my home town.  I was married for just shy to 18 years till we lost my son’s daddy in 2019 to complications arising from cancer.  Skin cancer – squamous cell.

We have one child, a son born in 2003. The joy of my life. My only child. He is the sweetest, cutest, most handsome and loving boy on the planet. Oh – and he just happens to have autism and as a result is non-verbal.  But he gets his point across in many other ways 🙂

We have a little chiweenie (half chihuahua, half dachshund).  Dachshunds are very favorite dog breed, and after losing our doxie, Rudy, about a year after my husband’s passing, a friend needed someone to adopt his dog as he moved to a condo that didn’t allow dogs.  Pepper has taken up a very large part of my heart whether she is a full doxie or not J

The most important thing you need to know about me is that I am an evangelical, blood bought, born again Christian.  If you follow me long enough you will see that weaved throughout this entire blog. This is part of my mission field and you will hear about Jesus or I’m not fulfilling my calling. I don’t apologize for that and I won’t 🙂

This blog is about my faith, my interest in crafts, planning, journaling, Bible prophecy (think end times, Rapture, etc.), Bible art journaling and so much more, I’m sure. I’ve recently become a TikTok shop affiliate in hope of supplementing my son’s and my income.  That may enter in too.

Join me for my new adventure here, won’t you?


Sapphire (Helen)